Friday, April 18, 2008


Because I love letters and text and because I like to find letters and text in unusual places or see letters and text used in all sorts of ways, and because I love pop culture and feminism and the sites where these things have strong textual elements, I have started yet another blog. Here are some examples of the types (pun intended) of stuff I like:

Mixed Media textiles by Cathy Cullis (via Poppytalk)

Sunlight Poem Projector by Jiyeon Song (via Craft)

ABC button sewing (via The Style Files)

Book Art by Nicholas Jones (via design*sponge)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Poetry LocketBooks from Hex Presse coming soon

I made this poetry locket for Jessica Smith last fall. And now I am making more for you.

photo by Jessica Smith
is this real?