Tuesday, December 30, 2008

and would not scare

it wasn't a skunk, but a raccoon posse. "a pack of bandits" is what my mother would call them. soft and fat, the fur up close, the ringed tails, the clasping paw-hands, half-cat, half-bear. I left a shiny black bag full of trash outside our door; I planned to take it out, but I forgot.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

White Bird

I have not been writing because inside my brain the words are all written on top of each other, like the letters overlap and to write requires untangling, unlayering. But I wanted to tell you about the white bird I saw after dark on the sidewalk, by itself, lingering as people rushed by with plastic bags and boots.

There was a tern at the bird center. And J got a new dog; her name is Daisy. Also, after work one day, there was a beautiful, colorful sunset.

Friday, December 05, 2008

advent poems

It's advent over at Delirious Hem. Click on the boxes to get a new poem each day.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Laura Goldstein

Don't forget to check out the awesome new chapbook from HEX PRESSE!

Ice in Intervals by Laura Goldstein

You can also see Laura reading her poetry at the new Rabbit Light Movies.
is this real?